Kritikou Pelagous 6-8, 13341, Athens, Italy

Safe Step / Rambler began its activity in the Fifties, focusing on anatomical men’s footwear. Originally thought out as healing shoes, over time anatomical shoes began to be considered the answer to the needs of modern life, as a form of protection for the foot during the tiring daily routine. Safe Step/Rambler meets this market request presenting men’s and women’s lines that offer a comfort achieved thanks to its multi-year experience in the orthopedic sector, and a style that is the result of research on the most innovative fashion trends. From being distributed in pharmacies and orthopedic stores, Safe Step/Rambler shoes are now distributed in a network of over 300 stores in 15 different countries. Safe Step/Rambler’s goal today, just as yesterday, is to offer healthy, comfortable, quality footwear, with a distinctive style and an excellent quality/price ratio.

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