Arsenale Veneto

  Via Ponte Cittadella 3, 37122 Verona, Italy
  +39 348 4078103

“Find out who you are and don’t be afraid to be.” It is from this wonderful phrase by Mahatma Gandhi that the story centred on the territory of Arsenale Veneto begins. Craftsmanship and excellence are the key words that regulate the company’s everyday work, without forgetting quality. Quality in the choice of materials, business partners and above all products. Arsenale Veneto has achieved all this by observing people, their search in the shop, their desire for physical contact. Working with Arsenale Veneto is stimulating, because every element of the supply chain wants to be an integral part of company life. The end customer is at the heart of the company’s strategy; a strategy in which one is proud to stand out, in a world that is becoming increasingly massive.

Sector Production
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